Programming Reference / Math / Get Bitwise Function

A and B can be a Value or a Variable

Available Operations

Operation Description Example
AND A AND B A = 235 (1110 1011) and B = 148 (1001 0100) then A AND B = 128 (1000 0000)
OR A OR B A = 235 (1110 1011) and B = 148 (1001 0100) then A OR B = 255 (1111 1111)
XOR A XOR B A = 235 (1110 1011) and B = 148 (1001 0100) then A XOR B = 127 (0111 1111)
SHL Bitwise Shift Left of A by value in B A = 235 (1110 1011) and B = 4 then A SHL B = 176 (1011 0000)
SHR Bitwise Shift Right of A by value in B A = 235 (1110 1011) and B = 4 then A SHR B = 14 (0000 1110)