Programming Reference / Motion

Item Name Type Description
Get Motor Data Operand Retrieves motor operation and status data from the Motor connected to the selected Slot
Get Motor Status Flag Operand Retrieves the selected status topic as a Boolean value for the motor connected to the selected Slot
Motor Command Operation Provides Run and Stop commands to the Motor connected to the selected Slot utilizing the selected Profile
Set Motor Operation Operation Allow User Program to set or reset various operational parameters for the motor connected to the selected Slot
Configure Home Operation Instruction to set up and configure motor home position and functions using the selected Profile for the motor connected to the selected Slot
Configure Axis Operation Instruction to set up and configure motor operational functions and parameters such as home and end positions for the motor connected to the selected Slot
Modify Profile Operation Instruction to modify an existing Profile for the motor connected to the selected Slot
Set Electronic Gearing Operation Instruction to configure the gearing for the motor connected to the selected Slot
Position Hold Operation Instruction to configure the method for holding a position for the selected Slot
Brake Resistor Operation Instruction to configure the braking function for the selected Slot