Motion / Home / Position Configuration

Unless you indicate to the contrary, after it executes its motion, the motor will remain at the home position and the current position in axis units will be 0 (zero). You can use the Homing Position Configuration options to either or both adjust the current position value and to move the motor to an offset from the newly established home position.

When you click the configuration gear icon in the upper left corner of the Home block, a pop-up appears with a checkbox for Home Position. Selecting this will add an operand to the Home block. Each of these operands expect a signed integer value in Axis Units that can be a constant value or a value from a variable.

Home Position – The value you provide here will be the new current position in Axis Units if you need it to be something other than 0 (zero)

Please note that if you have entered a value for the Home Position operand, this value will be recognized and used as the current home for this additional motion. The sign of the value will dictate the direction of the motion.